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Thomas Clark
Team 6 - American Cultures
Emory H Markle Middle School
Cornelia Coldsmith
Emory H Markle Middle School
Chris Conover
Technology Education
Emory H Markle Middle School
Heather Cooper
Learning Support
Emory H Markle Middle School
Rebecca Cortina
EHMMS Assistant Principal
Emory H Markle Middle School
Bobbie Coyle
Learning Support - Maxim
Emory H Markle Middle School
Michelle Cramer
Emory H Markle Middle School
Deborah Crawford
Emory H Markle Middle School
Melissa DeWald
Guidance Secretary
Emory H Markle Middle School
Andrew Dicken
Floating Sub
Emory H Markle Middle School
Denise Eichhorn
Emory H Markle Middle School
Maria Ellenberger
Emory H Markle Middle School
Ray Evelan
Emory H Markle Middle School
Leanne Excela
Head Cook
Emory H Markle Middle School
Amy Ferg
Team 6 - Math
Emory H Markle Middle School
Bryan Fraim
School Security Officer
Emory H Markle Middle School
Wesley French
EHMMS Assistant Principal
Emory H Markle Middle School
Jessie Gobrecht
School Counselor
Emory H Markle Middle School
John Grap
Emory H Markle Middle School
Bernadette Graybill
Food Service
Emory H Markle Middle School