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Allison Warehime
Physical Education
Emory H Markle Middle School
Heather Waybright
Team 6 - Science
Emory H Markle Middle School
Theresa Weaver
Emory H Markle Middle School
Deborah Weaver
Emory H Markle Middle School
Michael Weaver
Head Custodian
Emory H Markle Middle School
Gabriella Weaver
Emory H Markle Middle School
Leeann Wetherson-Higdon
Food Service
Emory H Markle Middle School
Heather Wheeler
Team 1 - Language Arts
Emory H Markle Middle School
Travis Wildasin
School Counselor
Emory H Markle Middle School
Kayton Wilson
Emory H Markle Middle School
Melissa Wilson
Gifted Support
Emory H Markle Middle School
Wesley Winters
High School Assistant Principal
South Western High School
Wesley Winters
South Western High School Assistant Principal
Jessica Wolf
TES Paraeducator
Emory H Markle Middle School
Lori Wonders
Learning Support Coach
Emory H Markle Middle School
Christine Wuhrman
Emory H Markle Middle School
Tiffani Yingling
Special Education Teacher
Emory H Markle Middle School
Stephanie Young
Emory H Markle Middle School