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Brittany Grove
West Manheim Elementary School
Cristina Gruss
Park Hills Elementary Assistant Principal
Cristina Gruss
Park Hills Elementary Assistant Principal
Park Hills Elementary School
Jade Gugliotta
Secretary to Support Services
Kevin Guinard
School Security Officer
West Manheim Elementary School
Jeffrey Hacker
LTS - Team 6 - Language Arts
Emory H Markle Middle School
Tina Hagarman
Baresville Elementary School
Emily Hager
Grade 8 - ELA - LTS
Emory H Markle Middle School
Megan Hahn Abell
Behavioral Health Provider
Emory H Markle Middle School
Kori Haines
Language Arts
Emory H Markle Middle School
Steven Haines
Physical Education
Emory H Markle Middle School
Jennifer Hall
Park Hills Elementary School
Andrea Halter
Grade 5
West Manheim Elementary School
Kristine Hann
Library Aide
Emory H Markle Middle School
Corinna Hansford
Food Service
Park Hills Elementary School
Erin Hanson
School Counselor
Park Hills Elementary School
Carlyn Happel
West Manheim Elementary School
Carole Hardman
Head Custodian
Park Hills Elementary School
Sarah Harness
Park Hills Elementary School
Morgan Hartlaub
Park Hills Elementary School