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Vicky Higgins
Attendance Secretary
Emory H Markle Middle School
Erica Hockensmith
Grade 1
Park Hills Elementary School
Amanda Hoff
Social Worker - Maxim
South Western High School
Megan Hoffman
Grade 4
Baresville Elementary School
Christopher Hoffmann
Social Studies
South Western High School
Lori Holland
Emotional Support
South Western High School
Steph Holmberg
Baresville Elementary School
Laura Hommerbocker
Bus Driver
Danielle Horner
Assistant Principal
Emory H Markle Middle School
Pageant Houk
West Manheim Elementary School
Robert Housch
Team 5 - Social Studies
Emory H Markle Middle School
Claire Howell
Learning Support
West Manheim Elementary School
Michael Hower
Jennifer Hubbard
Learning Support
Emory H Markle Middle School
Shannon Hughes
West Manheim Elementary School
Heidi Hull
Physical Education
West Manheim Elementary School
Melissa Huntington
Accounts Payable
Laura Hutchison
Baresville Elementary School
Sara Hye
Learning Support
Emory H Markle Middle School
Hannah Ilyes
Grade 2
Park Hills Elementary School