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Kristen Teeter
Physical Education
Emory H Markle Middle School
Karyn Thacker
Bus Driver
Jen Thomason
Grade 2
West Manheim Elementary School
Holly Tiffany
South Western High School
Emily Todd
Autistic Support Paraeducator
Manheim Elementary School
Diamond Toles
Bus Driver
Salina-Reah Tomb
Athletic Trainer
South Western High School
Ashleigh Tomcics
Grade 7 - ELA
Emory H Markle Middle School
Olga Torres
Food Service
South Western High School
Shani Trebatoski
Park Hills Elementary School
Jenna Trimpey
Learning Support
Emory H Markle Middle School
Aaron Trimpey
Team 5 - Math
Emory H Markle Middle School
Julianna Trish
South Western High School
Robin Trone
Food Service
Park Hills Elementary School
Adrienne Trout
Learning Support
Park Hills Elementary School
Renee Trybula
Park Hills Elementary School
Cameron Updegraff
Computer Technician
West Manheim Elementary School
Allysia Urick
Social Studies
South Western High School
Kelly Utz
South Western High School
Kraig Van duzer
Grade 4
Park Hills Elementary School