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Tammy Camacho
Food Service
Park Hills Elementary School
Mandy Campbell
Grade 1
Manheim Elementary School
June Campos
PM Library Aide
South Western High School
Annette Carbaugh
Library Assistant
West Manheim Elementary School
Diana Cassetta
Assistant Principal Secretary
South Western High School
Tracy Chappell
Baresville Elementary School
Michel Chausse
Bus Driver
Tiffany Chesney
LIU Aide
Emory H Markle Middle School
Yancymar Cintron
Maxim PCA
Park Hills Elementary School
Thomas Clark
Team 6 - American Cultures
Emory H Markle Middle School
Elaina Clark
South Western High School
Kimberly Clousher
Food Service
South Western High School
Kimberly Clouspy
Baresville Elementary School
Cornelia Coldsmith
Emory H Markle Middle School
Heather Cole
Grade 1
Baresville Elementary School
Maria Conover
Grade 3
Baresville Elementary School
Chris Conover
Technology Education
Emory H Markle Middle School
Kathryn Cook
School Counselor
South Western High School
Hannah Cook
Grade 5
Baresville Elementary School
Theresa Cook
West Manheim Elementary School